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Teacher and Staff Survey for Teacher Appreciation
Survey to distribute to teachers and staff to help your parent group improve its teacher and staff appreciation efforts.
Downloads: 29675 Hot!

Teacher Appreciation Planning Tools
Use these four editable files—teacher and staff survey, a staff appreciation checklist, a flyer for recruiting volunteers, and a staff appreciation meal checklist—to help plan staff and teacher appreciation events.
Downloads: 6350 Hot!

Back-to-School Teacher Survey
"Teacher's favorites" survey with questions about the teacher's likes and interests helps parents and groups at appreciation time.
Downloads: 11554 Hot!

Teacher Suggestion Form
Simple form we had on the tables at our back to school luncheon for the teachers. They loved being able to share their thoughts.
Downloads: 7160 Hot!

Teacher/Staff Appreciation Survey
A survey for teachers and staff to help pick gifts/meals for appreciation week .
Downloads: 7081 Hot!

Teacher Appreciation Survey
We have our teachers fill this out every year to make it easier for parents and children who wish to buy or make something for their teacher(s) during
Downloads: 10731 Hot!

PTO Today: Teacher Survey
Updated reproducible form to give to teachers so they can share what their priorities are in terms of PTO planning and assistance.
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